Currently there is a band of over 30 volunteers working on the project. Some are highly involved whereas others help out where they can. Most people volunteer for just 3 hours per month in the Book Barn. Volunteers are always rostered on in pairs. Duties include sorting, pricing and shelving books and serving customers.

A wide variety of interests and skills is catered for so if you have an interest in history or books or just like meeting people and contributing to the community then volunteering with this project will prove to be very enjoyable and rewarding. Listed below is what some volunteers have to say about the experience:

“I have just started volunteering at the Book Barn and feel already that I have made friends and am doing something that gives pleasure to others.”

“I see volunteering as a two way experience, for the volunteer a way to be useful and to give back to a community and for the receiver it can lessen the experience of growing older and feeling lonely.”

“Volunteering at the Book Barn is a way of meeting people and getting to know more about the area which is my home now.”

“Duty slots are quite flexible and fit in well with my family commitments.”

“I get to be surrounded by books and I have introduced myself to authors that I would never have read if I had to buy their books at full price.”

“Volunteering at the Blacksmith Cottage has meant feeling part of a community. It has been an excellent way of meeting people and contributing something to the town I have chosen to live in.”

“Since retiring, I was in danger of losing many of my IT skills. Working behind the scenes with the Blacksmith Cottage and Forge Committee has helped me keep my skills alive and make a meaningful contribution to the community.”

To register your interest please email – or call in to the book barn and have a chat with one of our friendly volunteers.
