Volunteers Stan and Marjorie Bell along with Jean Lycette adorn the quince tree with their colourful ‘fruit’
The Blacksmith’s Cottage and Forge are very proud to be part of the Bacchus Marsh Harvest Festival, held annually in March. This year, we were able to display a wide range of locally-grown produce in our heritage setting. Our volunteers were pleased to welcome a steady stream of visitors from places as far afield as Bentleigh, Daylesford and Newstead, as well as places much closer to home.
The rain held out and the sun shone on the day. The town was a buzz with families visiting road side fruit and vegetable stalls and joing in on countless activities.
Our visitors were charmed by the cosy cottage and workaday forge (which doubles as a Book Barn) and loved the “fruit” hanging in the quince tree!
Don’t miss our next display on Sunday 27th April. The theme is “Journeys” Please check out our Calendar of Events for a full listing of this years events and your next chance to visit us. You’ll be very welcome!